June 2020 is Brastop.com’s 17th birthday, woohoo! That’s 17 years of supporting you and your boobs with worldwide delivery of affordable, well-fitting D+ bras to 1000s of customers around the world – but are you Brastop’s biggest fan? We put together a quick quiz to test your Brastop knowledge… Answers are at the bottom of the page, don’t peek!

happy birthday

1. What year did Brastop.com launch?
a) 2003
b) 2005
c) 1998

2. How many physical stores did we have back in the day?
a) 5
b) 10
c) 3

3. Which brand is exclusive to Brastop?
a) Curvy Kate
b) Flirtelle
c) Pour Moi

4. How many bra sizes do we stock?
a) 99
b) 84
c) 125

5. What is our main misson?
a) To make you feel fabulous about your curves
b) To eat lots of cake
c) To paint the world pink

6. Where in London is the Brastop HQ based?
a) The City
b) Harrow
c) Stratford

7. We’re a small team of __ staff across the business
a) 32
b) 14
c) 21

So go on – what did you score? Answers below – but no peeking! 😉

LJ x

1 - a, 2 - b, 3 - b, 4 - c, 5 - a, 6 - b, 7 - c

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